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Affiliate Research Institutes

  • 1971.03.11. Korea Development Institute (KDI)
  • 1971.07.01. Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs (KIHASA)
  • 1972.08.30. Korean Educational Development Institute (KEDI)
  • 1976.01.07. Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade (KIET)
  • 1978.04.01. Korea Rural Economic Institute (KREI)
  • 1978.09.18. Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements (KRIHS)
  • 1983.04.21. Korean Women's Development Institute (KWDI)
  • 1985.02.04. Korea Information Society Development Institute (KISDI)
  • 1986.09.01. Korea Energy Economics Institute (KEEI)
  • 1987.01.05. Science & Technology Policy Institute (STEPI)
  • 1987.08.25. Korea Transport Institute (KOTI)
  • 1988.08.25. Korea Labor Institute (KLI)
  • 1989.03.16. Korea Institute of Criminology (KICJ)
  • 1989.07.01. National Youth Policy Institute (NYPI)
  • 1989.12.29. Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP)
  • 1990.07.30. Korea Legislation Research Institute (KLRI)
  • 1991.02.02. Korea Institute for National Unification (KINU)
  • 1991.09.27. Korea Institute of Public Administration (KIPA)
  • 1992.07.15. Korea Institute of Public Finance (KIPF)
  • 1992.12.28. Korea Environment Institute (KEI)
  • 1997.04.18. Korea Maritime Institute (KMI)
  • 1997.09.10. Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education & Training (KRIVET)
  • 1997.12.05. KDI School of Public Policy and Management (KDI School)
  • 1998.01.01. Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation (KICE)
  • 2005.09.30. Korea Institute of Child Care and Education (KICCE)
  • 2007.06.15. Architecture & Urban Research Institute (AURI)
  • 2020.11.20. Architecture & Urban Research Institute (AURI)
Science & Technology Policy Institute (STEPI)
a table indicating Tel,Homepage,address,purpose
Tel 82-44-287-2000 Homepage
Address 5~7th Fl, Building B, Sejong National Research Complex, 370 Sicheong-daero, Sejong, 30147, Republic of Korea
Purpose To contribute to establishing national policies on science and technology as well as advancing science and technology by researching and analyzing all economic and social issues related to science and technology
Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements (KRIHS)
a table indicating Tel,Homepage,address,purpose
Tel 82-44-960-0114 Homepage
Address 5 Gukchaegyeonguwon-ro, Sejong-si, 30147, Korea
Purpose To contribute to the balanced development of land and ameliorating the citizens' quality of life through comprehensive research on policies concerning the effective utilization, development and conservation of land resources
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP)
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Tel 82-44-414-1114 Homepage
Address 30147 Building C, Sejong National Research Complex, 370, Sicheong-daero, Sejong-si, Korea
Purpose To contribute to establishing international economic policies by investigating, researching and analyzing issues related to the global economy
Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade (KIET)
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Tel 82-44-287-3114 Homepage
Address Sejong National Research Complex Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade 370 Sicheong Dae-ro C-Dong 8-12F 30147 Republic of Korea
Purpose To contribute to establishing national policies by promptly collecting data, investigating and researching trends and information related to domestic and overseas industries and technology, as well as improving corporate productivity and international competitiveness by having research results widely disseminated and utilized
Korea Energy Economics Institute
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Tel 82-52-714-2114 Homepage
Address 405-11, JONGGA-RO, JUNG-GU, ULSAN, 44543, KOREA
Purpose To contribute to establishing national energy and resource policies and strengthening the national economy by promptly collecting, investigating and researching diverse trends and data regarding energy and resources within Korea and overseas, as well as disseminating the research results for educational use
Korea Information Society Development Institute
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Tel 82-43-531-4114 Homepage
Address 18, Jeongtong-ro, Deoksan-eup, Jincheon-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, 27872 Rep. Of KOREA
Purpose To contribute to forming national policies on information and communications for the realization of knowledge and information societies as well as strengthening the national economy by collecting, investigating and researching a variety of information related to policies, systems and industries in the fields of domestic and international informatization as well as information, communications and broadcasting, and then having these research results disseminated and utilized
Korea Institute for National Unification
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Tel 82-2-2023-8000 Homepage
Purpose To strengthen national capabilities in preparation for the realization of a united Korea as well as to both professionally and systematically research and analyse all matters pertaining to the issues of unification to enable the government to respond proactively to the ever-changing environment surrounding unification, thereby contributing to the establishment and support of national policies on unification
Korea Development Institute(KDI)
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Tel 82-44-550-4114 Homepage
Address 263(Bangok-dong, Korea Development Institute), Namsejong-ro, Sejong-si 30149, Korea
Purpose To contribute to establishing national economic policies and economic development by performing comprehensive research on economic and social phenomena; enhancing the public's economic understanding; managing public investment in fiscal projects; conducting research projects regarding private business investment in social infrastructure; and training expert personnel for internationalization
Korean Educational Development Institute
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Tel 82-43-5309-232 Homepage
Address (27873) 7, Gyohak-Ro, Deoksan-eup, JinCheon-Gun, ChungCheongbuk-Do, KOREA
Purpose To contribute to advancing education by conducting comprehensive and scientific research on topics such as educational purpose, content and methodology at a national and macroscopic level, as well as developing an innovative education system which is able to rationally resolve any issues which Korean education may face
Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation
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Tel 82-2-3704-3704 Homepage
Address 8 Gyohak-ro, Deoksan-eup, Jincheon-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do (27873), Republic of Korea
Purpose To contribute to enhancing the quality of education in schools and advancing the nation's public education by researching and developing curricula for elementary and secondary schools as well as researching and implementing various educational assessments
Korea Transport Institute
a table indicating Tel,Homepage,address,purpose
Tel 82-44-211-3114 Homepage
Address 370 Sicheong-daero, Sejong-si, 30147, Republic of Korea
Purpose To contribute to transportation development by researching and developing policies and technologies related to transportation and logistics, as well as collecting, studying and analyzing diverse information regarding domestic and overseas transportation policies and widely disseminating this information
Korea Labor Institute
a table indicating Tel,Homepage,address,purpose
Tel 82-44-287-6114 Homepage
Address 30147 Korea Labor Institute, Building C, Sejong National Research Complex, 370, Sicheong-daero, Sejong-si, Korea
Purpose To contribute to developing rational labour policies and increasing the general public’s awareness regarding labour issues by systematically researching and analyzing all labour-related issues
Korea Rural Economic Institute
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Tel 82-61-820-2000 Homepage
Address 601, Bitgaram-ro, Naju-si, Jeollanam-do, 58217, KOREA
Purpose To support the establishment of agricultural policies as well as to contribute to advancing the national economy and promoting the national welfare system by conducting comprehensive surveys and research into the development of rural economies and communities
Korea Legislation Research Institute
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Tel 82-44-861-0300 Homepage
Address 15, Gukchaegyeonguwon-ro, Sejong-si 30147 Korea
Purpose To support the formation of national legislative policy as well as to promptly and accurately disseminate legal information and to contribute to enhancing the legal environment by conducting professional surveys and research about legislation, as well as systematically collecting and managing information regarding legal codes
Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs
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Tel 82-44-287-8101 Homepage
Address Building D, 370 Sicheong-daero, Sejong City 30147 KOREA
Purpose To contribute to establishing short- and long-term national health and welfare policies by realistically and systematically investigating, researching and analyzing policy issues in every sector related to national health and medical care, national pensions, social welfare and social policies
Korean Women's Development Institute
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Tel 82-2-3156-7000 Homepage
Address 225 Jinheung-ro, Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul 03367. Korea
Purpose To contribute to advancing women’s participation in society, the empowerment of women and national development by conducting comprehensive research on women's issues, developing gender-balanced policies and women’s capabilities, as well as providing information about women's issues
Korea Institute of Public Finance
a table indicating Tel,Homepage,address,purpose
Tel 82-44-414-2114 Homepage
Purpose To support the establishment of policies related to the management of national taxation, public finance and public institutes as well as to contribute to the development of the national economy by investigating, researching and analyzing matters relevant to managing taxation, public finance and public institutes
Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education & Training
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Tel 82-44-415-3891 Homepage
Address 30147 Social Policy Building, Sejong National Research Complex, 370, Sicheong-daero, Sejong-si, Korea
Purpose To contribute to revitalizing vocational education and training as well as strengthening national vocational capabilities by effectively performing tasks related to the development of vocational skills, such as conducting research on vocational education, training and qualification systems, as well as developing and disseminating vocational instruction and training programs
National Youth Policy Institute
a table indicating Tel,Homepage,address,purpose
Tel 82-44-415-2114 Homepage
Address Social Policy Building, Sejong National Research Complex, 370, Sicheong-daero, Sejong-si, 30147, Korea
Purpose To contribute to creating a new driving force behind the future advancement of society by conducting the basic research and data collection necessary to develop policies for youth which foster proper character-building and realize their potential; strengthen their digital and global capabilities; improve social conditions for their rights as human beings and participation in society; and as well as provide welfare and support to underprivileged youth
Korea Maritime Institute
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Tel 82-51-797-4800 Homepage
Address 26, Haeyang-ro 301 beon-gil, Yeongdo-gu, Busan
Purpose To contribute to forming national policies and developing the national economy by comprehensively and systematically investigating and researching all matters related to the development of maritime, fishing and shipping industries, as well as promptly collecting and analyzing various trends and information to be widely disseminated and utilized
Korea Institute of Public Administration
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Tel 82-2-2007-0574 Homepage
Address 235, Jinheung-ro, Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul 03367 Korea
Purpose To contribute to developing the national administration by systematically researching all matters concerning the advancement of administrative systems and improvements in the management of administrative systems; collecting, managing and supporting information and data pertaining to administration; and executing projects which promote information exchange among foreign and domestic research institutes
Korea Institute of Criminology
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Tel 82-2-575-5282 Homepage
Address Korean Institute of Criminology and Justice, 114 Taebong-no, Seocho-gu, Seoul, 06764, Republic of Korea
Purpose To contribute to establishing national policies on criminal justice and preventing crimes by conducting comprehensive and systematic research and analysis on criminal trends, motives and preventative measures
Korea Environment Institute
a table indicating Tel,Homepage,address,purpose
Tel 82-44-415-7777 Homepage
Address 8F~11F, Bldg B, 370 Sicheong-daero, Sejong, 30147, Republic of Korea, Korea Environment Institute
Purpose To contribute to preventing and resolving environmental problems by researching and developing environmental policies as well as promoting professionalism and fairness in environmental impact assessments
Architecture & Urban Research Institute
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Tel 82-44-417-9600 Homepage
Address Architecture & Urban Research Institute KT&G Sejong Tower B 8F, 143, Gareum-ro, Sejong-si, 30116, Korea.
Purpose To function as a think tank in order to support the establishment of future-oriented architectural and urban spatial systems; to guide the sustainable growth and sound development of urban architecture; and to disseminate and diffuse architectural and urban culture
KDI School of Public Policy and Management
a table indicating Tel,Homepage,address,purpose
Tel 82-44-550-1114 Homepage
Purpose To contribute to developing the global economy by broadening the international perspective of leaders in public opinion and thus guiding the internationalization and advancement of the Korean economy, society and other fields, as well as sharing Korea's development experiences on an international level
Korea Institute of Child Care and Education
a table indicating Tel,Homepage,address,purpose
Tel 82-2-398-7700 Homepage
Address 9th floor, 70, Sogong-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea(04535)
Purpose To contribute to enabling Korea to make a leap forward as a developed nation in child care by comprehensively and systematically performing research concerning child care policy development for fostering national human resources, as well as presenting rational policy measures for advancing early childhood education and child care