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Objectives The National Research Council for Economics, Humanities, and Social Sciences, a public entity under the Prime Minister established by the "Act on establishing, operating, and fostering of government-funded research institutes," is tasked with the mission to support government-funded research institutes in the areas of economics, humanities, and social sciences so that our research institutes can better contribute to the nation's research community and knowledge industry.

Major Programs

  • Planning for research institutes and research projects
  • Functional adjustments and organizational changes of research institutes (including creation, consolidation, and disbandment of such institutes)
  • Evaluation of performance and management status of research institutes
  • Support for cooperative projects between among research institutes
  • Other projects deemed necessary
Act on the establishment, Operation and fostering of government-funded research institutes Humanities, and Social Sciences Download full text
Enforcement decree of act on the establishment, Operation and fostering of government-funded research institutes Humanities, and Social Sciences Download full text
The articles of incorporation for the National Research Council for Economics Humanities, and Social Sciences Download full text


  • The council was founded in 1999 when 43 government-funded research institutes originally subordinate to different ministries were reassigned under the five research councils in accordance with their functions and expertise.
  • In July 2005, two research councils in the areas of economics, humanities, and social sciences were merged to form the current NRC so as to strengthen its role.


  • 2024.03.04.Inauguration of Mr. Shin Dong Cheon as the ninth Chairperson.
  • 2022.02.21.Renaming The Center for Research Strategy as National Strategy Research Center
  • 2021.03.04.Inauguration of Mr. Jung Hae-Gu as the eighth Chairperson.


  • 2018.02.09.Inauguration of Mr. Seong Kyoung-Ryung as the seventh Chairperson.
  • 2016.10.18.Inauguration of Mr. Kim Jun-Young as the sixth Chairperson.
  • 2015.12.25.Renaming The Future Strategy Research Center as Center for Research Strategy
  • 2014.12.26.Relocation to the Sejong National Research Complex.
  • 2013.10.18.Inauguration of Mr. Ahn Se-Young as the fifth Chairperson.Dec.
  • 2011.07.23.Inauguration of Mr. Park Jin-Geun as the fourth Chairperson.


  • 2009.04.03.Establishment of The Future Strategy Research Center.
  • 2008.07.23.Inauguration of Mr. Kim Se-Won as the third Chairperson Apr. 3
  • 2006.04.11.Inauguration of Mr. Lee Jong-Oh as the second Chairperson.
  • 2005.07.01.Inauguration of Mr. Choi Song-Hwa as the founding Chairperson of the National Research Council for Economics, Humanities, and Social Sciences.
  • 2005.06.30.
    • Proclamation of “ENFORCEMENT DECREE OF ACT ON THE ESTABLISHMENT, OPERATION AND FOSTERING OF GOVERNMENT-FUNDED RESEARCH INSTITUTES“ amendments Disorganization of The National Research Council for Economics and Social Sciences and the National Research Council for Humanities.
  • 2003.04.01.Inauguration of Mr. Choi Song-Hwa as the third Chairperson of the National Research Council for Humanities.
  • 2002.03.15.
    • Inauguration of Mr. Moon Seok-Nam as the second chaiman of the National Research Council for Economics and Social Sciences.
    • Inauguration of Mr. Kim In-Soo as the second Chairperson of the National Research Council for Humanities.


  • 1999.03.15.
    • Inauguration of Mr. Lim Jong-Cheol as the founding Chairperson of the National Research Council for Economics and Social Sciences.
    • Establishment of The National Research Council for Humanities. Inauguration of Mr. Kim Young-Jin as the founding Chairperson.